The Daughters of the Lady Banksia Chapter, NSDAR, gratefully acknowledge the dedication and sacrifice made by our Patriot ancestors.
Israel Jones, CPT
Solomon Newell, PVT
James Power, PVT
Moses Colton, PVT
Abijah Johnson, CPL
John Cilley, PS
Benjamin True, PVT, PS
Richard Carothers, NCO
Joseph Miller, NCO
John Francisco, LT
Edward Adcock, PS
David Benge, PVT
Charles Bullock, CPT, PS
Archibald Carmichael, PVT
Jesse Garrett, PS
Boston Graves, PVT
Ephraim Hawkins, PVT
Peter Bickel, SOL
Phillip Christian, PVT
John Denny, PVT
John Enyart, ENS
William Finley, CPT
Michael Hagenbuch, PS
David Wakefield, PS
George Dickey, SGT
Richard Ballinger, CPT
David Barton, LT
John Bradley, CS
Hardin Chewning, PVT
John Chiles, CPT
David Doak, SOL
Peter Field Jefferson, CS, PS
James McBride, SGT
Blaze Robertson, PS
Drury Robertson, PS
William Robertson, PVT
COL = Colonel
CPL = Corporal
CPT = Captain
CS = Civil Service
ENS = Ensign
LT = Lieutenant
MAJ = Major
NCO = Non-Commissioned Officer
PS = Patriotic Service
PVT = Private
SGT = Sergeant
SOL = Soldier
STAFFOF = Staff Officer
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